Training Management: A Practical Guide

A practical guide for managing both individual training projects and entire training departments, this book is designed for trainers working on their own and for managers of training teams – whether or not you come from a training background. Training Management: A Practical Guide covers:

* training needs analysis
* training development
* training delivery
* hiring and evaluation
* management
* customer relations
* estimating and tracking training projects
* running a training business
* selling training services
* contracts and work orders

Steven A. Schwarzman has been a software trainer, technical writer, and project manager for over 20 years. His previous books include Technical Writing Management: A Practical Guide (2011), from which this book has been expanded to include training-specific chapters and examples.

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Training Management: A Practical Guide

Training Management: A Practical Guide

Training Management: A Practical Guide is a book on how to manage a training team or training business. It's practical, with real-life examples you can use

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Book categories: Technical Writing and Training Books